6 March 2013

Owen Toyota WINS the Grand Final of the Division 6 Mxd Touch Competition!

Grand Final Winners

Grand Final Winners

Congratulations to team Owen Toyota for being grand final winners in the Division 6 Mixed Touch Comp! After a very close game team Owen Toyota came out on top 6-4 against their opponents held on Wed 6th March! They held up a great fight all season & definitely brought that oh what a feeling home in the end!! :)

Click to Owen Toyota's Facebook page to view more photos of the grandfinal game.

Pictured: (front row left to right) Sonia Callipari, Kerrilee Philp, Louise Hill, Carly Amery, Danielle Burford, Deb Dellafranca, (back row left to right) Colin Amery, Markus Toi, Johan Demeyer, Brent Cassidy, Peter Dellafranca.

Absent: Dean Owen, Peter Demeyer & Curtis Simeon

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